April 2017
Did you know that April is National Kite Month.
Have any of you ever made a kite?
I love them, I carry a couple in the car with me all the time, just encase I find a spot with a good wind. I also carry Sewing Machine too. 😍😍😍😍😍😍

For those of you that are thing of Starting your own Craft or Sewing Business now is the time to get going. Summer is approaching and the kids will be out of school and looking for something to do.
Mom's and Dad's will need your help to keep the children amused during the Spring and Summer break.

Find several little projects that take you less than 15 to 30 minutes to complete.
Something you like doing. If you don't like it, neither will they.
If you can complete the project in less than 15 minutes, then a child can complete in twice that time.
Don't be surprised though if you have a gifted child they may beat your time.

Make a few samples to have on hand and to help you comply your supply list.
Purchase a few zip top bags to make up your kits and have several dozen put together for your projects. Then look online for a event near you and sign up.
Most places forget to focus on the children, unless it's a kids event. Even then they forget that children need something tactile to work on to stimulate them.
Make it simple, not to many pieces and parts.
One year I did Yo Yo Spiders and small felt hand puppets.
The Kids loved them and I was a hero for a few hours with them and their parents.

Remember the keys to a successful business venture is doing what you love.
If you are not passionate about what your doing it's hard to keep it going and even more difficult to have creative new ideas.

Miss Linda
The Craft Lady
Easter Weekend
